Return tickets have been around of quite a while and are found on a range of transport. Most people would agree that they are particulally useful as they allow you to travel to somewhere, and return again without having to purchase another ticket, and therefore as long as you don't lose your ticket your return journey is garinteed (even if you spend/loose all your money). They are also often cheeper to buy than two single tickets.
However despite their usefulness and them being pretty much a universal thing. The bus company Arriva, no longer sell return tickets (because bus travel needs to be more expensive)
I think charities would be a lot more effective if they merged together, we don't need 10 different cancer charities, if they all merged and worked together I'm sure they would be more effective. As well as this i think they should be more equal, and some get over looked because they are for a relatively uncommon diseases - which are no less impacting than the more common ailments. A possible solution to this would be to have a national charity - just one - which those who want to donate to charity donate to, the national charity would then equally share the money between all the charities.
My younger siblings just joined Pottermore. Now at the moment I am stuck waiting 4 chapters into the second book, waiting for the school year to commence in accordance to the date. The house cup was also awarded at the correct time of year as the house cup would be awarded in. So from both of these I take it to understand that each 'book' will open a year apart so that users play through Hogwarts. Then why can my siblings play through the entire fist year in a day? Surely it would make sense that they should spend a year in first year, ensuring regular and continuous users and also extending the life of the site. For example I joined in April and by May I had finished first year... and I had only been on a few times between then and now. I have come back on since the opening of 'book' two and I have been very active on the site. I know I am not alone in this as my good friend Cazz agrees. Now if a few chapters were released periodically over the year Pottermore would see a lot more activity.
Also I would love to see more lessons/activities I think herbology and care of magical creatures could be easily done.