Friday, 2 March 2012

Pocahontas, CAT and the Environment

    So it's been a while since I wrote a blog. I meant to write one to sum up the week that I spent in Barcelona, but I didn't. And since Barcelona I haven't done, been or experienced anything of note (not something big enough to warrant a blog). I did however visit CAT (Centre for Alternative Technology) today. So this blog will be a summary of any recent thoughts I've had and some thoughts on renewable energy and CAT.

Random Musing (Of the Month)

Pocahontas - Colours of the Wind
   I was listening to the soundtrack from Pocahontas (I'm cool) more specifically Colours of the Wind, and for once I listened to the words, I mean really listened. Pocahontas is not something I've ever given too much thought to, other than being my favourite when I was young, and like any good kids film, it has a message. The message in Pocahontas is still just as relevant as it was 15 years ago, as the the natural world is not yet full respected and appreciated, not only that but the other theme running through it is the idea of accepting people who are different, and that just because they are different it doesn't make them any less than you.

"You think you own whatever land you land on, The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim"

"You think the only people who are people, Are the people who look and think like you"

"Come roll in all the riches all around you, And for once, never wonder what they're worth"
I wonder whether growing up with films like Pocahontas has influenced our generation, and whether our generation will be more environmentally aware (not just due to Pocahontas) but because we grew up when the world was starting the realise the damage that had been done. I'd like to think that Pocahontas had an effect but it's taken me til the age of 20 to really listen, so surely 5 year old me didn't understand. But I am doing Geography, I do have respect for the natural world and I do have respect for other cultures. So maybe it rubbed off on me after all (Forget other sources of influence - I'm sticking with this theory I like it better).

CAT - Centre for Alternative Technology

   Firstly I'd like to point out irony of getting a bus from North Wales to Mid Wales through Snowdonia (Not the flattest of roads) roughly a 2hour journey to the centre of renewable technology, not that there is any other way but the idea of creating a carbon footprint just to visit a place dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability is a little off.
   Secondly I was a little disappointed when I was there to find out that CAT is not self sustainable and that they use power from the national grid. After all that is what they are about surely they should be self-supporting?
   Thirdly I learnt that solar panels should be used solely to heat water in the UK as we are just not sunny enough to efficiently use solar panels for anything else. The UK would struggle to put into place anymore hydroelectric stations. I also found out that the UK is one of the windiest places, certainly Europe, so wind power = good, put little wind turbines in gardens and houses are mostly useless. The other good option for the UK's future renewable power is biomass (wood burning).

I really am disappointed that they use power from the national grid though.

And as a side note - Bloggers spellchecker does not recognise the word 'blog'

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